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Ted Tucker
Ted Tucker
  • 2 Courses
  • 1380 Students

TEFL Teacher


Ted Tucker is the author of the TeflTeacherTraining.com blog and is a semi-retired EFL teacher and teacher-trainer.
At the age 37 and armed with a Master’s Degree in Education and a freshly minted MBA he joined the United States Peace Corps as a Volunteer and served two years in Botswana as the Business Manager of a textile manufacturing company in Francistown, 50 miles (80km) from the Zimbabwe border.
He traveled through Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe – and a citizen of the world was born.
He than headed to Korea to teach English in 1992. Teaching English was an occupation he had never even heard of before joining the Peace Corps.
Next, he moved on to Taiwan (two years), Saudi Arabia (five years), Thailand (twelve years)– and back for a few more years in Korea – and now in Mexico for the last five years. TEFL can do all that for you and even more!
