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Sarina Stone
Sarina Stone
Sarina Stone
  • 1 Courses
  • 426 Students

Medical Qigong instructor


Sarina Stone is an internationally renowned certified Medical QiGong and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage instructor.
Her workshops and lectures are held in massage schools, Universities, yoga and martial arts studios across the globe. Her story began years ago, when famous Medical Qigong Master, Mantak Chia, taught Sarina that her emotional energy affected everything, including her health. He showed her that a gentle smile could change her day, her life and the lives of people around her. She was healed from a number of maladies by using Medical QiGong meditations and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage. As a result, she studied with Master Chia for over 22 years and developed products for radiant health and emotional balance.
