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Ryan Oickle
Ryan Oickle
  • 1 Courses
  • 175 Students

Massage Professional, Entrepreneur


My career began as a Chemical Engineer, but always felt that I was missing out on my true calling. I'm definitely not skilled in front of a camera, but have developed several strategies to be a successful self employed massage (or bodywork) professional. In a short time, my client base has grown to where I make a living doing what I love.

Similar to most, when I opened my home-based massage practice I didn’t have a business background. It took a lot of work, and my confidence and bank account struggled.

I've made this course to help others grow and manage their massage or bodywork business, such as acupuncture, Reiki, craniosacral, aromatherapy, reflexology, etc.

Now, I set my own schedule, work when I want to work, have branded my massage business the way I want it to look, and I don't have to pay an employer the majority of what clients pay for treatments. Massage entrepreneurship is amazing!

I hope you'll take my course and unlock the strategies developed over the years, so you too can be a self employed massage or bodywork professional.
