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Nicholas Harris
Nicholas Harris
Nicholas Harris
  • 1 Courses
  • 467 Students

owner of the Chiang Mai Wellness Centre where he facilitates personal therapy and group workshops.


Nicholas Harris is a Master level of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis. With over 15 years of experience assisting people with the art of personal change, Nick helps his clients to make changes in their lives by making changes in the mind.

Nick's passion is to explore the power of consciousness healing. To this end, his life is dedicated to the study of the healing arts. Having held clinical practice in The Netherlands, Ireland, India and Thailand, Nick has helped thousands of people with the art of personal change.

An English expat, Nick has travelled extensively enjoying living in and learning about the cultures of the world. Based in Thailand, Nick is the owner of the Chiang Mai Wellness Centre where he facilitates personal therapy and group workshops.
