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Annette Reilly nekinesiologist@hotmail.com
Annette Reilly nekinesiologist@hotmail.com
Annette Reilly [email protected]
  • 10 Courses
  • 2970 Students

Best Selling Author, Kinesiologist & Acupressure Expert


Annette Reilly – Internationally Accredited Writer & Researcher – #1 Amazon Best Selling Author, Udemy Bestselling Instructor - Kinesiologist & Acupressure Expert

Currently teaching 60,000+ students in 173 countries



Acupressure Masterclass – All Body Systems - Internationally Accredited


Diploma in Acupressure for Detoxification & Weight Loss Internationally Accredited


Acupressure Facelift – Internationally Accredited


Advanced Hand & Foot Patterns for Disease Prevention

Internationally Accredited

Usual Price $59.99 - Yours Today for Just $29.99


Acupressure Meridian Manual - A Guide for Students & Practitioners

Usual Price $27.99 – Yours Today for $13.99!


Acupressure Meridians - A Visual Guide for Students & Practitioners

Usual Price $19.99 – Yours Today for $9.99!


5 Element Acupressure Massage Rings™

Usual Price $29.99 – Yours Today for $19.99 + Shipping!


Acupressure Meridian - Extra Large Wall Chart - Full Colour & Laminated

Usual Price $79.99 – Yours Today for $39.99 + Shipping!


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holistic.health.products

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Holistic-Health-Products-110440487288582

New Course on:

How to 'Boost Your Immune System Naturally' - 30 New Techniques - https://bit.ly/3xKPDFu

After several years of intensive study in many different disciplines I found that the alternative therapy that was producing the fastest, most profound and long lasting results among my clients was Kinesiology so I decided to specialise. The particular branch of Kinesiology I work in is known as Neuroenergetic Kinesiology or NK.

The majority of my training in this discipline was completed in Northern Ireland with Ms. Orla Brady, Roslea and further training then in Steyr, Austria with Hugo Tobar, Founder of NK. At present the Neuroenergetic Kinesiology Institute has 8 International colleges around the world with colleges in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, The Netherlands the United States and Ireland. In September 2010 I took over the role of Principal of The Irish College of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology, a role I continued in until 2015.

Having served as Secretary of The Kinesiology Association of Ireland for almost 2 years I was delighted when on March 7th 2015 I was voted in as the new Chairperson. A past pupil of the Institute of Health Sciences, I gained expertise in many different subjects such as Chemistry, Biochemistry & Nutrition, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology to name but a few.

This experience alongside my passion for Kinesiology, Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Nutrition led me on to write a number of books and courses on these subjects for Health and Well-being. In August 2015 I also gained international recognition for these courses with IICT - The International Institute for Complementary Therapists.

December 29th 2019 - I published my 1st Book on Amazon

'Weight Loss For Women - Lose Weight Up to 14lbs in Just 1 Week - The Scientifically Proven Method that Will Allow You to Burn Fat, Boost Energy & Eliminate Cravings'


In less than 2 weeks it became an Amazon #1 Best Seller. I went on to publish my second book on January 20th 2020 -

'How I Made My 1st 50K Teaching Online: A Step By Step Approach to Turn Your Passion Into Profit' and in less than 2 days it also became an Amazon #1 Best Seller!

