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Michael Hetherington
Michael Hetherington
  • 3 Courses
  • 314 Students

Author, yoga instructor and a teacher of traditional Oriental medicine.


Michael Hetherington (BHlthSci, TCM, Yoga) is an author, yoga instructor and a teacher of traditional Oriental medicine from Brisbane, Australia.

He is passionate about self health care, Oriental philosophy applied to modern living, empowering education and embracing the human potential.

He holds a Bachelor in Health Science from Charles Sturt University, an Advanced Diploma in Acupuncture from the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences and a level 2, yoga teacher certificate from the Byron yoga centre. He has been teaching yoga since 2008 and was a lecturer of Oriental medicine and Chinese medical massage (Tui Na) at the Australian Institute of Applied Sciences from 2014-2015.

In his early twenties he suffered from regular migraine headaches, depression and chronic lower back pain, which he overcame primarily through the practices of yoga, relaxation and meditation.

Michael was always attracted to eastern philosophy and it was this interest that drew him to the teachings and practices of yoga and Oriental medicine at a young age. After traveling to China to teach English for a year, he returned to Australia in 2004 to begin studying Chinese medicine, remedial massage and practicing Oki-Do yoga (Japanese Yoga form developed by Dr Masahiro Oki) under the guidance of Peter Masters.

Inspired by the teachings of many he has learned that a lighthearted and nurturing approach to life serves best.

Michael's other interests include world music, multimedia arts, reading, dancing, traveling, spending time in nature & drinking cups of tea.

