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Meryl Hershey
Meryl Hershey
Meryl Hershey
  • 1 Courses
  • 95 Students

Licensed Professional Clinical Counsellor & an Emotional Eating Recovery Consultant.


Meryl Hershey Beck, M. A., M.Ed. is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, an Emotional Eating Recovery Consultant, and a Master Teacher. Before becoming a counselor, Meryl spent more than 2 decades using food as her 'fix,' just like the alcoholic uses booze – to numb out. But not any more! Her Amazon best-selling book, Stop Eating Your Heart Out tells her story of recovery and includes many tools and techniques to break the chains of emotional eating. Meryl created SourceTapping® to help her clients tap away their cravings and reduce emotional upsets that lead to overeating. She serves many clients, such as: compulsive overeaters; women who give and give and don't know how to receive; people who believe their inner critics and have low self-esteem; anyone who has forgotten that they are spiritual beings in a human body; and/or individuals experiencing grief and loss. Meryl is an international speaker and presenter, and has appeared on radio and TV.
