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Andreas Heck
Andreas Heck
Andreas Heck
  • 1 Courses
  • 393 Students

CEO & Founder of Physiotutors


I am Andreas Heck and I was born in Germany in 1992. Apart from my task as one of the hosts in our videos, I am concerned with filming and IT at Physiotutors. In my free time, I greatly enjoy doing sports like fitness and recreational soccer, film and photography, gadgets and tech.

Because I have learned to love the profession during my studies at the European School of Physiotherapy. I have made great experiences during my clinical rotations and early on, I could transfer my passion into this project. I want to share this passion with you and assist you in realizing your dream of joining this beautiful profession and learn from an ever evolving community.

I will start my graduate studies in manual therapy (MSc.) in September 2016 and aim to work in a private practice in or around Amsterdam. Furthermore, I am more than excited to grow Physiotutors into a striving platform that helps students and practitioners alike improve or recap their skills.
