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Dan Jones
Dan Jones
Dan Jones
  • 10 Courses
  • 1618 Students

Accredited Hypnotherapy Trainer & Clinical Supervisor


Dan Jones is an autistic, hypnotherapy trainer and mind coach. He has authored over thirty books on Hypnosis, Therapy and Self Help and autism including Amazon number one bestsellers 'Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Scripts' and his autobiography 'Look Into My Eyes' and his 'Hypnotherapy Revealed' series of books. He is registered with 'The General Hypnotherapy Register,' selling over 100,000 books, 500,000+ downloads on his self-hypnosis MP3's, over 5 million Youtube views and over 40,000 students currently enrolled in his several online courses in 127 countries. Dan is an accredited hypnotherapy trainer with over 20 years of experience in hypnosis & the healing arts, whilst also carrying out extensive and impressive research in the field. 'At Home With Gok Wan' magazine described Dan Jones as 'the UK's leading personal development coach'.
