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David Landau
David Landau
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I love optimizing personal growth, business, and every system I see in life.

In over 10 years of entrepreneurship, I've become convinced that self-mastery is a key determinant of our biggest successes and failures.

I mentor startups to help them refine their visions, business models and monetization strategy. This often leads to sales coaching, which I really enjoy and have studied extensively.

I’m obsessed with scalable approaches to dramatically enhance cognition, productivity and engagement. The prototype name for my current company was called "Engineered Self Optimization," because I think it's ridiculously unfortunate for anyone not to be their best. We constantly upgrade our technology; why not make sure our life and biology is in the absolute best state possible?

When there's time, I've been a painter, improv joke teller, transhumanist, and writer, and started zen meditation at age 13.

I started managing people at 14 and launched my first company at 19. I love studying leadership, strategy, sales, and marketing, and love building exceptional teams. Thanks to passionate coworkers, my companies have grossed $5M+, created several hundred jobs and dozens of internships.

I study patterns in society that will affect a product’s success, and try to predict where the world is heading 5, 10 and 20 years from now. AI, synthetic biology, neural interfaces, robotics, security and data science are among the most important exponential technologies we can study.

As this continues, our ability to adapt, learn and evolve will affect our success potentially more than any other factor. I wish, as kids, we were taught self-actualization, logic, heuristics, biases, rationalism, argumentation and compassion. The world would be such a better place if more people were as proficient with internal tools (psychology) as they are with external tools (technology).

I love working with people who are authentic, genuine, mindful, and have high integrity.