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Alun Hill
Alun Hill
Alun Hill
  • 1 Courses
  • 112 Students

Alun Hill "Talking About Business"


As a journalist with over 40 years experience, Alun has interviewed some of the world's most successful and most secretive businessmen and women.

In January 2015, he moved to a new brand new 3 floor Duplex Penthouse in an old British Fort on a tiny island in the Mediterranean Sea so that I can spend more time creating training programmes after 30 years of whizzing around the world as a travel and business journalist!

This followed a number of years of incredible success in the world of online teaching as he taught his skills to over 100 000 people around the world.

He has trained people and companies on Copyright, SEO, Video Marketing, Online Marketing, the use of Press Releases, Twitter, Google Search and the correct usage of Google AdWords and AdSense.

Published Business Books include: “Internet Marketing – All You Need To Know“, “Using LinkedIn Successfully – All You Need To Know“, “Google And Its’Products” and “Search Engine Optimization For Beginners“.

He recently retired as the Technology Editor at Gadgets and Technology News – an Accredited Google News Source.
