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Surya Namaskar is the Sanskrit word which means 'To salute the sun'.
Surya Namaskar is the Sanskrit word which means 'To salute the sun'.
This course will take you through a series of asanas, or poses, to create a graceful sequence of yoga positions. This pattern of exercise is usually performed at sunrise or sunset in India. It is a perfect warm-up at the beginning of a Yoga session. The flow gives mobility to the whole body.
Salutations to the sun stretch and lengthen the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Special attention is paid to the spine. The arrangement is executed in quick succession and combined with breathing. They are practised with intensifying pace until the entire body has warmed up and is prepared for additional asana practice.
There are many forms of the sequence, although in this course you will learn three of them. In the first Sun Salutation the whole sequence, which involves 12 asanas, is coordinated in a smooth flow, with attention given to correct breathing. Sun Salutation A and B are also demonstrated. They follow a similar sequence with variations. Upward Dog, 3 Leg Dog, Chaturanga and Warrior 1 are among the fascinating poses included in these variations.
The whole sequence emphasises grace, works muscles and joints and focuses on reconnecting with the pattern of one's breathing. The sequence ends with the word Namaste which means 'The light in me recognises the light in you'. The spiritual dimension which underlies the exercise sequence is unmistakable but not strictly necessary for the exercises to be effective.
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