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This Weight Management course will teach you how to achieve sustainable weight management and help you understand the negative effects of fad dieting, bad habits and the reasons why maintaining normal weight can be difficult.
This course will teach you how to make healthy food choices and manage your weight. You will learn the difference between how a slim body processes food and how an overweight body processes food. Become aware of bad habits and patterns you may have developed that prevent optimal health. Health is a process, not a quick fix, each of the solutions in this course will assist you in the journey to sustainable weight management.
Jules Allen - Rowland trained initially as a podiatrist and then went on to do a Bachelor's Degree in psychology and communication. She has a private podiatry practice specialising in diabetic and arthritic patients and studied Exercise Science (SA), Health and Nutrition (UK) and Functional Medicine (USA).
This course is suitable for anyone struggling with their weight or having trouble maintaining normal a weight. This course explains exactly what happens on a cellular, hormonal and metabolic level and clearly explains the processes in the body. Making healthy food choices can often be difficult due to high stress levels, misinformation and busy lives. This course will provide you with the physiological knowledge to finally keep the weight off, once and for all.
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