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Target Marketing: Find Your Niche

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21 students
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What you'll learn

Learn target marketing skills that will enable you to find your marketing niche, attract & maintain loyal customers to maximise your business productivity

This target marketing course will reveal some of the best tips and secrets of effective marketing. You will learn how to understand your niche, your target market, your ideal clients and attract loyal customers who will lead you to business success.

This course is led by Joeel & Natalie Riviera who founded Transformation Services Inc in 2008 and have helped over 25,000 students transform their lives. They have designed this course to help you identify, develop and utilise your client base allowing your marketing efforts to thrive.

Take this course today to learn the importance of a loyal 'tribe' and how to market in the most efficient and productive way!


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  • 10 lectures with supporting PDFs and 1.5 hours of video content
  • Learn how to find your tribe and turning them into dedicated fans and customers
  • Learn exactly who your audience is, how to reach them and how to best meet their needs
  • Understand how to communicate the right message to the right audience 


Joeel Rivera
Entrepreneur, Author & Professional Speaker

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Target Marketing: Find Your Niche
  • Language English
  • Lectures 21
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

Target Marketing: Find Your Niche