Course Categories
Detox your body for Spring, in this health boosting Spring Cleanse, 3 course Bundle, where you will learn how to eliminate negative habits and follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The first course is a fitness diploma, which provides a 4 Month strength training & cardio fitness programme, as well as a healthy protein packed meal plan and training demonstrations designed to help you lose weight and increase strength. You can transform your lifestyle through diet and exercise and become healthier and more energetic.
You will then begin to understand the world of nutrition and pursue a healthier lifestyle, free of negative habits an unhealthy foods. Discover easy-to-follow guidelines for eating a balanced diet and staying healthy. Learn how to give your body the nutrients it needs and begin to feel your best, all day long.
The naturopathy course has been designed as a rejuvenation programme that will help you to transform your lifestyle and improve your health. You will gain invaluable tips for nutritional diets that can improve health and wellbeing and ensuring that you are in the right frame of mind to make these lifestyle changes for Spring.
**Fitness Diploma: Personal Training Masterclass**
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Preparation
Part 3: Nutrition
Part 4: Weight Training
Part 5: Cardiovascular Training
Part 6: Leg Exercise Tutorials
Part 7: Back Exercise Tutorials
Part 8: Chest Exercise Tutorials
Part 9: Shoulder Exercise Tutorials
Part 10: Triceps Exercise Tutorials
Part 11: Biceps Exercise Tutorials
Part 12: Bodyweight Exercise Tutorials
Part 13: Abdominal Exercise Tutorials
Part 14: Supplements
Part 15: Closing
Part 16: Bonus Lectures
**Nutrition: Balanced Diet & Health**
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Body Composition
Part 3: Basic Nutrition Knowledge
Part 4: Blood Sugar Regulation
Part 5: Building Menu Plans: Blood Sugar Regulation in Practice
Part 6: Menu Plans for Exercise: Blood Sugar Regulation in Practice
Part 7: Sleep & Hydration
Part 8: Sustainable Balanced Diets
Part 9: Practical Advice
Part 10: More Practical Advice
Part 11: Quiz
**Naturopathy Diploma: Health & Wellbeing**
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Foods that Rejuvenate
Part 3: Healing the Body at a Cellular Level
Part 4: Giving your body the nutrients that it needs
Part 5: A balanced Diet
Part 6: Mindset
Part 7: Finding a balance that works for you
Part 8: The cleansing power of Naturopathic Techniques
Part 9: Conclusion and Bonus Materials
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