Course Categories
This course has been designed for those who want to develop their interest in magic of Tarot, Psychic Skills and Spirituality & become a Psychic Tarot Coach
This course has been designed for those who are interested in magic of Tarot, Psychic Skills and Spirituality. It will enable you to develop your psychic and tarot reading skills to a professional level and will allow you to progress this talent into a prosperous career.
Elmira Strange has used all of her Psychology Life Coaching experience to bring you this course on how to become a Psychic Tarot Coach. In this progressive learning experience Elmira has covered everything from understanding basic coaching techniques right through to the best ways to establish and maintain this a long and prosperous career as a Tarot Coach.
On this course you will learn how to start your career as a Psychic Tarot based coach, attract your first clients and how to maintain them. You will be able to give professional Psychic Tarot Coaching sessions and market your services both 'online' and 'offline'. You will become a professional coach who combines Divination, Psychic abilities and Psychology and run an organised, profitable home-made business.
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