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Intuitive Eating Fundamentals

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20 students
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What you'll learn

This Intuitive Eating Fundamentals course is for those who have tried every diet out there with little or no success. Come to terms with food through intuitive eating and discover food freedom, without all of the strict rules of a typical diet.

Tried every diet out there with little or no success? Finally come to terms with food through intuitive eating and discover food freedom, without all of the strict rules of a typical diet. Live the life that you want with the positive relationship with food that you’ve always desired.

Michelle Vina-Baltsas is a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and a Certified Holistic Health Coach with over five years working with people who struggle with their relationship with food, specialising in helping people heal their relationship with food and negative body image. Michelle is a sought-after speaker for online summits and is a published author for online publications.

This course is suitable for someone with an open-mind and wants to learn a whole new way of thinking about food. It offers you support every step along the way to help you make permanent, effective changes letting you achieve food freedom and have a positive relationship with food.

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Course Content


  • Includes 34 lectures, over 1hr 30 mins of video content, handouts, worksheets and quizzes.
  • Free yourself from yo-yo dieting, crazy eating and emotional eating, achieving food freedom.
  • Discover intuitive eating and become more confident and free around food with support every step of the way.
  • Understand what is happening in your body, re-wire your brain and make permanent beneficial changes.
  • This course is suitable for any student wanting to improve their diet and the foods they're eating.


Michelle Vina-Baltsas
Health and Wellness Coaching

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Intuitive Eating Fundamentals
  • Access Unlimited
  • Language English
  • Lectures 34
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

Intuitive Eating Fundamentals