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Group Life Coaching Certification

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What you'll learn

Expand your life coaching skills through learning how to provide group life coaching classes.

This course will take you through the process of growing your life coaching skills from a one-on-one personal session to group life coaching lessons. Starting with looking at the sort of numbers you are needing to scale your business, this course guides you right through to designing your own fully-fledged marketing campaign in order to ensure your new class is reaching the kind of audiences you are aspiring to.

Your course instructors Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional entrepreneurs, coaches and speakers who have been making their mark in the industry for over two decades. Joeel has a PhD in Psychology, while his wife and fellow course instructor Natalie is the publisher of renowned coaching magazine 'Transformation Magazine'.

This course is perfect for all life coaches, but particularly those who want to get involved in the world of group life coaching. This course suits all those ambitious enough to want to scale their business up, and take on more clients at one time. It may sound overwhelming at first, but this course has everything that you could need to feel completely equipped to take up this challenge!

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Course Content


  • Includes 40 lectures and over 5 hours of online, on-demand video content
  • Learn how to expand your class from a one-on-one format into a group session
  • Understand how to create marketing campaigns to ensure your classes are full each week!
  • You will gain a more dependable, predictable and (most importantly) a larger income for your life coaching skills.
  • This course is for life coaches who are wanting to increase their class size, revenue and overall business.


Joeel Rivera
Entrepreneur, Author & Professional Speaker

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Group Life Coaching Certification
  • Access Unlimited
  • Language English
  • Lectures 40
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

Group Life Coaching Certification