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Body Healing Coach Diploma (CTAA Accredited)

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90 students
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What you'll learn

This course will enable you to improve the health and wellbeing of yourself or your clients on a mental, emotional, and physical level.

This CTAA Accredited Professional Body Healing Coach diploma will teach you the fundamentals of health and introduce a holistic approach. As a body healing coach your aim is to promote health and wellbeing but taking into consideration lifestyle choices as well as natural aids for healing. The mind and body are linked so this course will look at the various elements that can affect wellbeing such as stress, poor immune function, sleep patterns, etc, and take an intuitive approach to change.

Within this course you will learn how to become a body healing coach, helping others to improve their own health & wellbeing on a mental, emotional, and physical level. Includes three key mediation sessions that will enable you and/or your clients to destress, open your heart, and manage both physical and emotional pain.

This course is aimed at those who wish to expand their existing therapist business or for those who wish to use the techniques for themselves. Get started today and learn techniques that can improve the health and wellbeing of your clients or yourself.

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  • Includes 9 lectures, with over an hour of video content and an extensive course handbook
  • Understand the role of a body healing coach and techniques for improving physical, mental and emotional health
  • Identify the aspects of your/your clients life that are having an impact on health and how to make positive changes
  • Bonus meditations for stress, opening your heart and pain management
  • This course is ideal for anyone wanting to improve their own health and wellbeing, plus those looking to expand their existing therapy skillset


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Body Healing Coach Diploma (CTAA Accredited)
  • Access Unlimited
  • Language English
  • Lectures 9
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

Body Healing Coach Diploma (CTAA Accredited)