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Career Development: Accelerate Your Corporate Career

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21 students
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What you'll learn

Learn how to Accelerate Your Corporate Career by creating Personal Development Plans, connecting with your Seniors, applying for the right promotion & more!

Get into the mindset of a corporate winner and experience success with this course in how to Accelerate Your Corporate Career! Discover the secrets of fast corporate career progression, and learn how to create and use your own Personal Development Plan. By following these expert tips, you will achieve incredible things in your corporate career!

For someone so young, instructor Greg Henriques is highly successful. Greg has 10 years of experience in the corporate world, and is the founder of weGrow - an expert life coaching company. He is extremely motivated to share his success with others, so will use his knowledge and personal experience to help you kick-start your exciting career in corporate companies!

In this course you will discover how to gain control of your corporate career and progress to great heights! You will learn the 3 Pillars of Success as well as the key components of an effective and inspirational Personal Development Plan. You'll learn important networking skills and how to learn as much as possible from your seniors, so that you too can be as successful as them!


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  • An hour of amazing advice that will empower you to create motivational career plans and flourish in your corporate career!
  • Create a personal development plan that will guide you through your career
  • Develop a mindset for success that will enable you to achieve promotions in your corporate career
  • Gain tips for pleasing your manager, organising meetings with senior stakeholders and when to apply for promotions


Greg Henriques,
Founder of WeGrow Coaching, Global IT Business Partner at SABMiller

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Career Development: Accelerate Your Corporate Career
  • Language English
  • Lectures 19
  • Bonus Free XO Student Discounts AccessXO Card

Career Development: Accelerate Your Corporate Career