Course Categories
This 4 course productivity and MBA bundle will teach you how to enhance the success of your business with expertly taught leadership, financial and performance management tools.
The MBA course provides you with a strong level of expertise and leadership knowledge to enable you to grow the success of your business and lead with confidence. It will cover the practical aspects of leadership and employee motivation such as, conducting appraisals; in an effective manner. It also looks at the financial and qualitative factors that will enhance your business.
The second course will enable you to take back control of your life and radically improve your work-life balance. You will learn about the importance of saying 'no', and how to deliver it in the correct manner and at the correct time. If you feel overwhelmed, overrun or over-stressed, this course will help you to restructure and prioritize your tasks.
The third course focuses on mind mapping and how it can be used to significantly enhance productivity You will learn how to use mind maps to organize your thoughts and get things done. The course will also teach you the fundamental theories behind mind mapping and explains how you can use it to improve your learning experience.
The final course will instruct you on a 13 step process to set and achieve your goals, whatever they may be. It will help you to figure out what you want to achieve and set in place plans to work steadily towards it. You will learn how to put your ideas into practice and no longer feel stagnant and actively follow your dreams.
**Mini MBA: Business Tools for Success**
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Resources: MBA Business Tools That Get Results
Part 3: Idea Generation
Part 4: How to Deliver Effective Performance Reviews
Part 5: Performance Management
Part 6: Leadership
Part 7: Lead Across Lines of Difference
Part 8: Pricing Your Product and Finances
Part 9; Course Assessment
Part 10: Recommended Courses
Part 11: Refer a Friend To This Course
**Productivity: Take Back Control of Your Life**
Part 1: The Why of No
Part 2: The What of No
Part 3: The How of No
Part 4: The What-if of No
Part 5: Course Quiz
Part 6: Extra Tips
Part 7: Recommended Courses
**Mind Mapping: Productive Working & Thinking**
Part 1: Course Purpose and Structure
Part 2: Observe a Mind Mapper at Work
Part 3: Practise Reading Mind Maps
Part 4: Getting the Feel of the Technique
Part 5: Integrate the Learning
Part 6: Creating Your Own Mind Maps (With a Helping Hand)
Part 7: Now Create Mind Maps On Your Own
Part 8: Review What You Have Learnt
Part 9: Quiz
**Goal Setting 'The Kaly Method': Get the life you want**
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Kaly Method – Steps 1-3
Part 3: The Kaly Method – Steps 4-9
Part 4: The Kaly Method – Steps 10-13
Part 5: Conclusion
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