Course Categories
This course introduces basic yoga poses and sequences, and introduces you to the world of yoga from the comfort of your own home.
Are you curious about Yoga, but aren’t sure how to pick the right style or class? Perhaps you have already taken classes and would like to know how practice at home? This short course will introduce you to some of the core principles and postures to help you on your journey. Learn at a pace that allows for quiet practice and reflection, that can easily fit around your schedule.
Yoga has many health benefits for both physical and emotional well being, including alleviating back pain, increased muscle strength and good posture, as well as restoring a sense of calm during times of stress.
Psychotherapist and therapeutic life coach Libby Seery will guide you through seated and standing postures, advise on how to approach your practice, and offer tips on how an open mind will enhance your experience
Our course content offers a mix of video and printed resources. The printed guides will help to prepare you for your first classes and explain the different styles of Yoga to give you all the background you will need.
Class videos illustrate basic Yoga poses, and introduce sequences, such as Sun Salutations.
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